Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Prezi and Staff Development

I just created my first Prezi. Woo Hoo! It was fairly easy and lots of fun. This Prezi will be for a workshop that I would like to present to teachers next school year. This first one is on How to Create a Glog. The staff development will be for teachers and we will be using Glogster, Blabberize (as long as Blabberize will still be free for next school year), and wikis. Teachers will learn to upload images, videos, and sound to a glog. I chose to create a glog on Ghost Stories for North Carolina because most of the NC Standard Course of Study Curriculum for English Language Arts wants students to study the characteristics of literary genres. By showing teachers a completed glog, my hope is that they will create their glog on a genre that pertains to their particular grade level and then post it to their own wiki. Teachers would then use a computer lab, or mobile cart and assign students the task of  learning about the genre. Then, I would like students to create their own short story (or poem) and publish these stories or poems to a wiki.

The really great thing about web 2.0 tools, is that you can show students how to get to the tools (like Glogster, Prezi, etc.), set some guidelines, and then let the students go. The teachers don't have to be the "Sage on Stage" to show students how to use these tools. They can be the facilitator to make sure the students are following the guidelines. The students can create some really fantastic artifacts using different tools. Students are tired of doing the same old boring PowerPoints and brochures.

If you have any ideas or suggestions for the glog or prezi that I created, please feel free to leave a comment.

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